Taxi city tours in beautiful Rome, Naples Gaeta, Cassino, Amalfi, Salerno

Curiosità, consigli e idee per viaggiare in Italia con un servizio taxi privato.

Taxi Tour: Visita in tutta comodità RomaNapoli e le località limitrofe e scopri le bellezze del nostro territorio.

Gaeta Taxi Service è il prezioso alleato dei turisti, italiani e stranieri, che desiderano spostarsi in maniera comoda e pratica per visitare le loro mete preferite nel Lazio e nella Campania.

Se non hai ancora deciso dove andare, dai un’occhiata ai nostri suggerimenti di tour ed escursioni che puoi fare in un giorno, combinare tra loro e personalizzare come più desideri.

shopping rome gaeta taxi service

Presents and sales: rediscover the taste of going shopping with Gaeta Taxi Service

Presents and sales: the Christmas season is a crucial period for shopping, but sometimes transportation issues could discourage those willing to shop and spend money. Gaeta Taxi Service is the...
gaeta lights fountain taxi tour

Gaeta Christmas Lights: Live your Christmas fairy tale booking a taxi tour

Gaeta’s Christmas Lights are now pretty famous in Italy, but parking, chaos and stress could be a significant deterrent. Well, did you know that with only one click, ore with...

Taxi tour on vacation, find out why it’s convenient

Why consider the possibility of a taxi tour while on vacation? Visiting tourist destinations during the high season makes you feel truly on holiday and allows you to fully enjoy...
Transfers aeroportuali taxi dal aeroporto

Airport transfers to and from Rome e Naples

Airport transfers to and from any location in Lazio and Campania regions. Are you tourists who are visiting our beautiful country? It's nice to know that you can rely on...
ncc taxi to Fondi city

Taxi in Fondi: Shopping Tour in the largest pedestrian area of ​​Lazio

Taxi tour in Fondi: shopping in Lazio's largest pedestrian area In the winter, for work or study, or in the summer - to go to the beach and enjoy the...

Fires of St. Joseph in Itri – Taxi Service

Fires of St. Joseph in Itri, March 19, 2018 GAETA TAXI SERVICE, for the traditional and characteristic celebration of St. Joseph's fires in Itri, offers its exclusive transportation service, to...

On the streets of art and shopping… Treat yourself to a special day!

Gaeta Taxi Service offers you a dream day(city tour) in two of the most beautiful cities in Italy, together with your closest friends and in the utmost comfort. City Tour...

Gaeta: enchanted and illuminated kingdom! | Lights of Gaeta 2017

Once again in Gaeta the “Tales of Light” are taking place: we want to accompany you on an enchanted tour among the streets filled with lights and the scent of roast chestnuts....

Salerno’s Lighting Artwork. Lights and emotions | Private Taxi Tour Italy

A triumph of lights and emotions for your winter tour in Italy. With Gaeta Taxi Service reach Salerno and enjoy the spectacular display of its Lighting Artwork! On November 4th...

Visit the Amalfi Coast with private tour

Looking for an unusual and comfortable way to visit the Amalfi Coast? Have you ever thought of a private road trip? Sit back, fasten your seatbelt, and off we go!...
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